Star Track Software & App for Transport Businesses

Best software for billing, inventory & accounting.
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 mobile app for billing

Benefits Of Using My Star Track?


Purchases in accounting is the cost of buying inventory or goods during a period with the aim of resale in the ordinary course of the business.


There are different types of bill designs and bills with CGST / SGST Amount and Discount


Quickly send and receive WhatsApp messages right from your computer.


For , Customer Pay and Payable Payment with multi Transcation at Customer Date Wise Report Show and Print / Excel.

Favourite Menu

When you need a page frequently select that page and save its and you can easily click on page page and go to that page .

Driver Attendace

You can take note of the driver's presence and also report it by date and print and Excel Report.

Truck / Driver Details

You can take note of the information of the truck. Note of the cost of the truck.The customer can take note of the cost of the truck.The customer can take note of the cost of the truck

All Statement

Reports are found according to the date of Customer purchase and sale and Print / Excel.Reports are received with both purchase and sales.